About Us

 Hello Welcome to BtechIA. My Name is BKP. I started this site to explore the secret techs and next level technologys. I started blog for you only because I want, you also know about all these Technologies. There are lots of secrets in our world and your world that we humans don't know but it exist. There is some one hiding all of this things from us. But my friend don't worry I decod all that things. 

Oh sorry I didn't tell you who I am. 

I am BKP. I am a college student. Nowadays I am workless and I am big burden for my parents. From this site i started my jurney from jobless to richest man. I hope you all help me and give you support. I hope you like my tech blog. So big thank to all my friends you share the articles and who not share the article, who follow me on Social platforms or who doesn't follow me on social platforms. 

A Big Big Thanks to all my lovely friends who reached this BtechIA About Us page.